Yes, it's that time again!
The Looking Glass Forum in NYC needs new short plays by women (guidelines below). The Forum is a one-act festival showcasing new works written by women and directed by women. Submission is free- get involved now!
Submission Guidelines -2009THE LOOKING GLASS FORUM, a twice-yearly festival in which emerging female directors present their interpretations of new and classic short works, is now seeking new short plays (running time 10-35 minutes) by women.
The Forum is an established festival which has been in regular production at the same location since 2001. We charge no fee of any kind for the submission of scripts. We are dedicated to providing an expressive avenue for women's voices.
There is no restriction as to style or subject matter, but we are particularly interested in pieces that explore the possibilities of the theatrical medium, a place where the dead and the living, the real and the imaginary, the rational and the fantastic can all interact on a level field.
We require plays to include at least two good roles (no monologues, please), of which at least one should be female. The characters should relate to one another in some way, not just tell a story and make way for the next person.
Bear in mind that it is easier for us to cast roles in the 17-35 year old age range.
THE LOOKING GLASS THEATRE is also looking for late-night plays by women and plays for children by women to include in our season. These plays should run between 40 and 60 minutes and provide at least five solid roles, of which at least two should be female. Large casts are encouraged. In order to succeed a late night show should either be extremely silly comedy or very sexy/scary/shocking. Children's shows must be appropriate for VERY YOUNG children as they are a big part of our audience. Musicals will only be considered if the playwright or composer can provide the accompaniment on CD.
We do not accept unsolicited full-length scripts.
We do not accept unsolicited works by male authors.
Send complete scripts, by mail, to:
422 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
Attn. Erica Nilson
Scripts may also be dropped off in person at the address above during office hours: Mon-Wed 8-noon, Tues 8-5, Fri 8am-3pm. Hours Subject to change. Call 212.307.9467 to confirm.
Enclose a cover letter (to Erica Nilson, Literary Manager) with your contact information on it. Production history and biographical info are also useful. In addition, please submit a digital version of your script via email. We now request that work be submitted both in hard copy by mail AND digitally by email. Work submitted without an e-version will be at a great disadvantage because it is difficult to disseminate to directors. E-versions should be sent to Please send only one script per email and put the title of the play in the subject line. In the TEXT of the email, provide a brief synopsis, character breakdown, and approximate running time. You should also mention whether you have had a play produced at Looking Glass before, and if not, how you heard about us. Please do NOT use Final Draft or WordPerfect formats, as we do not own this software.
Please do not submit work via email only, however; we need the hard copy for our files. Unfortunately, because of the new postal restrictions, it is no longer practical for us to return these manuscripts, so please do NOT send a SASE. We apologize for the additional expense to you.
Always put your name and address on your script. We will consider up to 3 submissions per author at a time. The deadline for the June Forum is March 1st and for the December Forum is September 1st, but later submissions may be considered for subsequent Forums.
The Forum is not a union production. There is no pay available for authors or anyone involved. It is a labor of love! To find out more about The Looking Glass Forum and The Looking Glass Theatre, visit our website at:
You can also reach us by phone at 212-307-9467.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Erica Nilson
Literary Manager
Looking Glass Theatre and Forum
422 W. 57th St.
New York, NY 10019